OData Supported Data Types

OData ABAP service data types are also knows as 'EDM' data types.

The supported data types are:

  1. EDM.Binary > Fixed or variable length binary data
  2. EDM.Boolean > To represent binary value logic (True/False)
  3. EDM.Byte > Unsigned 8-bit integer value
  4. EDM.DateTime > Date and time values
  5. EDM.Decimal > Numeric values with fixed precision and scale
  6. EDM.Double > Floating point number with 15 digit precision
  7. EDM.Float> Floating point number with 7 digit precision
  8. EDM.Sbyte > Signed 8-bit integer value
  9. EDM.Int16 > Signed 16-bit integer value
  10. EDM.Int32 > Signed 32-bit integer value
  11. EDM.Int64 > Signed 64-bit integer value
  12. EDM.Single > Floating point number with 7-digit precision
  13. EDM.String > Fixed or variable length character data
  14. EDM.Time > Time of the day with values ranging from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
The above are not ABAP Data Types. They are OData service data types used at OData level, and are called EDM data types.

EDM stands for Entity Data Model.


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