
Showing posts from March, 2020

Get structure names used in a database table

Aim: To get the structure name of the .INCLUDE structures used in a database table. Tip:  Navigate  to  PRECFIELD  field in the output  to  see the  Structure  name  of  the  include Report: REPORT  zag_test_extract_structures . PARAMETERS :  p_table  TYPE  tabname16  DEFAULT  'EKKO' . DATA :  lt_fields  TYPE  TABLE  OF  dd03p ,       lv_name    TYPE  ddobjname . DATA ( lref_structype )  =  cl_abap_typedescr => describe_by_name (  p_table  ) . lv_name  =  p_table . CALL  FUNCTION  'DDIF_TABL_GET'    EXPORTING     name           =  lv_name    TABLES     dd03p_tab      =  lt_fields    EXCEPTIONS     illegal...