EWM PPF Trigger the existing PPF Action through Custom Program
Aim: Same as title Description: An Action has been scheduled for the Handling Unit in the EWM Monitor and we need to execute it in a Custom Program without executing it from the Monitor. What to do? Use the below code accordingly. Code: *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZAG_TEST_HU_PRINTING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zag_test_hu_printing. PARAMETERS: p_hu TYPE /scwm/huident DEFAULT '154118660000024802'. DATA: lt_huhdr TYPE /scwm/tt_huhdr_int, lt_protocol TYPE bal_t_logh, lt_contexts TYPE ppftcntxts, lo_hu_ppf TYPE REF TO /scwm/cl_hu_ppf, lo_manager TYPE REF TO cl_manager_ppf, lt_trigger TYPE ppfttr...