
Showing posts from 2015

EWM Transaction Codes with Descriptions

1) /SCWM/60000431: Here, we can maintain warehouse-specific printing parameters such as the spool data for grouping printing parameters (for example, print immediately, printer, handling of the spool job after printing, text for the cover page, and so on). This spool data can then be used to create a condition record. Short Info - Spool should be created but should not get printed immediately. 2) GRAC_EAM - Logon with special access (FF)

Excel Tricks

1) Multiple Columns' Data to One Column. Solution: Open 'Developer' using Options > Ribbon. Create 'Macro'. Use the below code inside Macro:     Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select     Selection.Copy     ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select Open clipboard. Use Macro Shortcut to perform multiple copy. Go to position and double click from Clipboard to paste the next columns. Alternate Solution without Macro: Use Clipboard, copy all columns individually, choose the position in the column for the values to be pasted, double-click the data to be pasted from the Clipboard. Repeat this until all data is pasted in the same Column.

Helpful Standard Programs

1) RSTXPDFT4 - To download PDF from Spool. 2) RSTXICON - Displays all icons with codes usable with TYPE POOLS: icon. 3) RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN - Source Scan of Programs 4) RSTXSCRP - Import / Export SAPScripts      T-Code: /ATL/RSTXSCRP 5) RSBDCCTU - Program for RACOMMIT - Use this program to execute Batch Input Recordings     that contain COMMIT. Use the Queue ID and Recording name after generating Batch Input Session, use those in this program and execute to COMMIT. Ensure to use 'N' for background mode and check RACOMMIT to COMMIT. 6) RSCPSETEDITOR - Default MS Word Editor change - SAPScript and Smartforms >>> See SAP Note: 791199 for more information 7) SIAC_REGENERATE_TEMPLATES - HTML Templates Regeneration Program 8) SIAC_UPLOAD - Load IAC Objects from File System (Image/MIME Objects Upload for Internet Service) 9) RDDIT076 - Execute this program in SE38 to change the Owner name of the Task 10) RSEIDOCA - I-Doc Mon...

AL11 Log Deletion

Aim:     To delete files in AL11 based on date range. Program: REPORT  al11_log_deletion. *================== * Data Declarations *================== TYPE-POOLS :  icon . * For Standard Program RSWATCH0 Data DATA :  i_outtab   TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  cst_rswatch01_alv ,       wa_outtab  TYPE  cst_rswatch01_alv ,       g_fname    TYPE  char80  VALUE  '(RSWATCH0)GT_OUTTAB' . FIELD-SYMBOLS  <fs_outtab>  TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE . * Structure for Directory Name TYPES :  BEGIN  OF  t_outtab1 ,         dirname  TYPE  shvalue_d ,         END  OF  t_outtab1 . * Declaration of variables for FM -...

Report to create Support Tickets in Solution Manager using BAPI_NOTIFICATION_CREATE

Points to understand: 1) Go to table CRMD_ORDERADM_H and give old process type as 'SLFN' to see the old data. 2) New Process type is 'ZMIN'. Support Tickets will be created under new process type. 3) Use Transaction Code: SM_CRM to see the Incident. Give the Object ID generated in CRMD_ORDERADM_H for 'ZMIN' Process Type through the below program to see the Support Ticket Details. REPORT   zag_support . *--Data Declarations TABLES :  crmd_orderadm_h . *--BAPI related data TYPES :  BEGIN  OF  bapi_notif_ext_type ,          numb ( 12 )  TYPE  c ,          refnum ( 20 )  TYPE  c ,          type_notif ( 6 )  TYPE  c ,          category ( 12 )  TYPE  c ,          subjec...